Covid19 Alters Funerals and Rituals - Celebrity Deaths During Lockdown

During this critical time of the coronavirus pandemic, the significance of grieving, and the manner in which we perform funerals and death rituals has been altered. The option of cremation is at the discretion of the family but is not required for the purposes of infection prevention and control. But what happens when a very famous celebrity passes away during the crisis not of coronavirus but for reasons resulting from old age issues? Their death rites, irrespective of the religion they belong to, are trimmed down almost completely because of the mandatory need of social distancing. The person who has passed away is beyond all this. But her next of kin, close family, relatives, admirers and friends can no longer offer their last respects in person because the crematoriums and burial grounds have stopped permitting more than ten people to attend the funeral. Rules on the lockdown specify that attendance at funerals should be as low as possible, with only close relatives and friends attending. But as even private ambulances don’t have permission to ply, families of the deceased have no means to reach the crematorium for last rites. It is a very sad situation that we have never witnessed before. War martyrs are vested with great honour like the gun salute. Though they are not alive to witness this, their grieving families can at least take some solace from the fact that their dear one has been bestowed with celebration even through death. Flowers are not available and even if they were, one is not allowed either to take them to the bereaved family in person or send them through someone because social distancing forbids one to do that. One cannot send them through any messenger because there would be no delivery man to deliver these. Four famous celebrities died of old age over the past two weeks. None of them fell victim to coronavirus. But they were very successful and famous in their own fields of human endeavor. The celebrities concerned are – world’s outstanding footballer and football coach P.K. Banerjee, great still photographer Nemai Ghosh who was an institution unto himself, Nimmi, a very successful and famous actress of the Bombay film industry much before the term “Bollywood” was born, and one of the greatest artists India has ever produced – Satish Gujral.

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