Delhi Home Minister Satyendar Jain on Thursday laid the foundation stone for expansion of Delhi Forensic Science Laboratory in Rohini. Delhi Home Minister Satyendar Jain on Thursday laid the foundation stone for expansion of Delhi Forensic Science Laboratory in Rohini. The minister said the expansion of the forensic testing facility would bring down crime rates in the national capital. After the Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case of 2012, the Delhi High Court had voiced concern over the lack of adequate forensic labs in the city. The Home Minister also lauded the work of the forensic lab in helping solve crimes against women. A Brain Fingerprinting Facilities for Forensic Psychological Examination for suspects and criminals was also inaugurated on the day. The annexe building will boast of a range of facilities — Hi-tech DNA lab for crimes against women and children, advanced cyber forensic lab to examine online and offline frauds, ultra-modern facilities for testing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.