The curative plea of Akshay Singh will be heard by the Supreme Court judges in their chambers. A five-judge bench headed by Justice NV Ramana will hear the petition at 1 pm. The Supreme Court will on Thursday hear the Nirbhaya rape and murder case convict Akshay Kumar Singh's curative plea. Akshay Singh approached the Supreme Court on Wednesday with a curative petition which is listed for consideration before a five-judge bench headed by Justice NV Ramana at 1 pm on Thursday. The curative plea of Akshay Singh will be heard by the Supreme Court judges in their chambers. If Akshay Singh's plea is dismissed, the Nirbhaya case death row convict will have the option to move a mercy plea before President Ram Nath Kovind. He is the third convict in the Nirbhaya rape and murder case to move a curative plea after Mukesh Singh and Vinay Kumar Sharma. Akshay Singh's curative petition, filed by advocate AP Singh on behalf of the Nirbhaya case convict, states that the present curative petition should be allowed by the Supreme Court and it should set aside the May 5, 2017 order, which upheld the death sentence of the convicts. "Modify the sentence of the petitioner, to life imprisonment as it serves all the purposes that the death penalty claims to serve and protects society from the impending reality in the near-future in which torture and murder are equated with justice as a panacea for all social evils," the petition states. The curative plea stated that "lack of criminal antecedents, erroneous reliance on deterrence, and the probability of reformation, socio-economic circumstances, non-consideration of Constitution bench judgment, were not considered by the courts while awarding his client to death". Last month, Akshay Singh had moved the Supreme Court against his death penalty, citing Delhi pollution and explaining why his death sentence should not be carried out. In his plea, Akshay Singh asked the Supreme Court to spare him the death penalty since life in Delhi is anyway getting "short" due to air and water pollution. "... it is important to pertain here that Air Quality of Delhi NCR and metro city is burst and like a gas chamber... the water of Delhi NCR and metro city is also full of poison... Everyone is aware of what is happening in Delhi NCR in regard water and air," the petition says before asking a simple question.