The Delhi High Court Friday said there is a “trust deficit” between members of the Delhi Assembly and bureaucrats, and advised the Delhi government to videograph the meetings between them. “Before disposing the present matter, the court would like to note that during the course of arguments, the trust deficit between members of the Legislative Assembly and the bureaucrats is evident to the hilt. To see that no unforeseen incident occurs in future and also to maintain transparency, the government of NCT Delhi would soon be well advised to get the meetings inter-se the legislators and bureaucrats videographed,” the court said. The court’s observation came after it granted bail to MLA Parkash Jarwal, who was arrested for allegedly assaulting Delhi Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash. The court said that there is “no apprehension” that the petitioner, Jarwal, would not be available for the trial or would flee from justice. “The fact that there is no likelihood of the petitioner fleeing away from justice, the court deems it fit to grant bail to the petitioner,” the court said. The court also noted the chief secretary’s concerns, who said that efforts were being made to harass him. The counsel for Jarwal said he is willing to furnish any undertaking to ensure that no harassment is caused to Prakash.